Windows software.

The weathersatellite program wsat is now also available for Windows. It is compiled using gcc-ming using GTK for Windows.

The source code is identical to the code for the Linux wsat program.

If using the parallelport to connect to the decoder wsat works under:

If using the USB port wsat works under:

Sources are available; see download section.

Manual: (pdf) (Old!)
Manual: HTML (Updated 2010.01)
Back to weather satellite homepage

Short feature overview of version 2011.03a:


NOTE: Use new page for newer versions.


VersionTypeDownloadDownload sizeSources availableComment
2018.1 beta3 wsat program setup_wsat_2018_1_beta3.exe 600k
tracker used to set decoder
2018.1 beta wsat program setup_wsat_2018_1_beta.exe 600k
Added option to disable read decoder mode
2017.6 wsat program setup_wsat_2017_6.exe 600k
Added option to disable read decoder mode
2017.5 wsat program setup_wsat_2017_5.exe 600k
Added reed solomon
Separate chices for FY-AB and C
2017.4 wsat program setup_wsat_2017_4.exe 600k
capture usb-data enhanced
prepared for ft232h
2017.3b wsat program setup_wsat_2017_3.exe 600k
'Live' Fengyun during record
Fengyun format decoding, translation to C10 format
File manager: time-of-files added; sort by time
2017.2a wsat program setup_wsat_2017_2.exe 600k
Added Fengyun (beta)
wait times adapted; all satellites: unit of 1/6 sec
metfy3x filename format
2017.1c wsat program setup_wsat_2017_1.exe 528k
Added write in hpt format
Metop: catch callibration
bugfix test_min
bugfix tracker: limits manual window
2016.7a wsat program setup_wsat_2016_7.exe 528k
Added write in jpeg
Corrected AVHRR extraction; ch 1->2->3->4->5->1
2016.6a wsat program setup_wsat_2016_6.exe 475k
metop: destrip
save colour mapping channels
'save'-bug fixed
2016.5c_beta wsat program setup_wsat_2016_5_beta.exe 633k
enhanced metop support
Changed default XY: X/Y=0 -> east/north
2016.4c_beta wsat program setup_wsat_2016_4_beta.exe 633k
Added metop; fixes
2.0 Needed DLL-libs setup_gtk20dll.exe 2.6M


From 2010 on wsat uses gtk2.0 libs. You need to download and run setup_gtk20dll.exe. Make sure that these dll's are installed in the same directory as wsat! By default it will be installed in a directory called xrit2pic.

If you already have xrit2pic:

  • Install wsat in the same directory (change defaults during installation) You don't need to install setup_gtk20dll.exe again.

    If you don't have xrit2pic:

  • Install wsat in its default directory ('wsat')
  • Install gtk20dll in the same directory as wsat
    For this wsat also a USB dll is needed: ftd2xx.dll. This is in setup_wsat. Make sure that it is placed in the same dir. as wsat!

    Old versions (use gtk1.2)

    VersionTypeDownloadDownload sizeSources availableComment
    2009.01 wsat program 115k
    Added ID for NOAA 19
    2005.05 wsat program 115k (2010.01)
    See also: GTK for Windows
    Added ID for NOAA18
    1.2 Needed DLL-libs gtkdll_inst.exe 1.4M

    Download: (125k, pdf)


    wsat is now available as self-installing executable. That's it. An icon will be available on your desktop.

    Important notes:

    Bugs and work-arounds.

    Although the sources for the Linux and Windows program are the same the Windows version behaves a bit different compared to the Linux wsat. I had to change the sources on a few points to let Windows' Wsat 'work'.

    Parallelport access under Windows 2000 and XP only works using
    Porttalk, or if logged in as 'Administrator'. Up to now I have confirmation that Windows-XP works in combination with Porttalk' and that Windows-2000 works if logged in as 'Administrator'.

    'porttalk' is a driver making it possible to access the parallelport as normal user. Wsat has to be started as follows:

    if parallelport nr. 1 is used or: if parallelport nr. 2 is used.
    In future releases this functionality will be built in into wsat.

    Test version.

    This is a test version of wsat.exe. It can be changed any time without notice and can show unexpected behaviour. For normal use download
    this version!

    VersionTypeDownloadDownload sizeComment
    v3g_beta, 2015 wsat program gtk2.0 setup_wsat_beta.exe 133k Meteor N2: fix in format
    all fixed now (plot during record still to fix)
    fixed gamma setting
    adapted filenaming with 'file save'

    Comments MeteorM-N2: