An important feature of these functions is that the label used for a button is also attached to the widget as user_data. Also, all created windows are linked via a backbone.
In this way the state of all buttons in all windows is reachable everywhere, without the use of global variables.
The set of functions are called "sgtk" (s of super, simple or what you like). They are archived using cvs at:
Some simple examples are:
A big example using this set of functions is the weather satellite program. See:
For binaries of this program and a description see: here.
How my development environment looks like (base on mingw version 2.95.2)
Compile flags:
gcc -c -mwindows -Ie:\usr\include\gppm3 -Ie:\usr\include\gtkp -Ie:\usr\include\gtkp\gdk
Link flags:
gcc -mwindows -Le:\usr\lib -lgtk-1.3 -lgdk-1.3 -lglib-1.3Option '-mwindows' prevents starting a DOS-shell, but that also means no way to do simple 'printf' to screen.