
EDS: Eumetsat Data Store

To get access to the Eumetsat data: see: get_apikeys

Some experimental python scripts to download products from Eumetsat.

Release notes
text files used in python scripts (defined in
eds.keyreplace <consumer_key> and <consumer_secret>
eds.prdexample file to store product to download (if needed)
python gui product selector
eds_select.pyselect product, add in product file (see get_product() )
python scripts: functions
eds_defs.pydefines variables with default values
eds_funcs.pyseveral functions for downloading6-8-2021: some bug fixes
5-10-2022: support no unzip
python scripts: examples using above functions
eds_get_in_period.pyExample 16-8-2021: Added hour range, minute range
25-1-2022: adapted to allow more flexible ranges
18-9-2022: def. product nr 1 in eds.prd
eds_get_live.pyExample 2adapted 5-10-2022: choice not to unzip
eds_make_movie.pyExample 3Adapted 16-1-2024, made suitable for ramdisk usage
eds_process.pycontains action to do with downloaded file (used in example 3)
18-9-2022: xrit2pic_cmd started explicitely from $HOME/bin instead of just bin

Example 1: download predefined time period and interval

This example downloads zip-files from start_date to end_date, one file for each day, and unzips them.

Example 2: Regularly download new data

A bit like Tellicast, but now using internet.
Define download- and unzip-locations and product to download.
Each 5 minutes a check is done if there is new data available, and if so, download is done.

Example 3: Create a movie with limited time.

By running repeatedly the movie will grow. This depends on the options used with xrit2pic; in this example the movie will start an midnight and will grow for one day, then start over again.

This file has some optional arguments:

  -h, --help        show this help message and exit
  -dry              just show what will be done
  -verbose VERBOSE  0=quiet, 1=errors, 2=+warnings, >2=+info
  -nprod NPROD      Select product from eds.prd (line nr.)
  -product PRODUCT  define product name

The Pi to use depends on the processing (i.e., xrit2pic command):

Notes installation

For easy installation on a py there are some zip-files: Note: xrit2pic in this zip file runs on a 64-bits PI under Ubuntu 64-bits. For the Raspberry Pi OS xri2pic would need to be recompiled.


xrit2pic_cmd runs on Ubuntu 64-bits

That's all. Please note:

Notes ramdisk; creating a movie on a Pi

With MSG full globe every 15 minutes a zip-file with size ~180M is downloaded. After unzipping it's ~270M, so in total 450Mbytes are written to the SD card on your Pi every 15 minutes. To prevent SD card wear out a RAM disk is recommended:
sudo mkdir /ramdisk
To automatic create the filesystem at boot add in /etc/fstab:
ram /ramdisk  tmpfs  defaults,size=500m,x-gvfs-show  0  0
This will add a 500MByte RAMDisk, which is the minimum you need. Recommended: 700MBytes.

In define for the pathes e.g.:

If there is not enough memory space then just using a ram disk for one of the 2 pathes is possible.

If the repeat cycle, defined in crontab, is faster than the download speed then it is possible that multiple instances of are running. This is not a problem as such, but needs then much more RAMDisk. To prevent this use following script:

pgrep -c python3
if [ "$?" == "0" ] ; then
 # date > last_skipped.txt
#  date > last_done.txt
  python3 $HOME/eds/
This will skip the script if there is still a python3 script running. Don't forget the shebang!
(Note: If more than one zip-file is present to download this will happen in one run.)

A few adaptions are made to

Notes if something fails

Files and their places: If you have problems with tkinter and working on Ubuntu try:
  • sudo apt-get install python3-tk
    See also