xrit2pic [options]
    -h                                  this help.
    -e                                  non-gui examples
    -nogui                              command line mode
    -src                                path to source XRIT files (def.: see ini-file).
    -dest                               path to destination dir (def.: see ini-file).
    -v                                  Release info
    -gen_ini                            generate a xrit2pic.ini and quit
  options for file formats:
    -pgm                                generate PGM  (see below for defaults
    -pgm8                               generate PGM (forced to 8 bits pp)
    -jpg                                generate JPEG (see below for defaults)
    -cjpg                               generate JPEG (no interm. decompression)
    -rah                                generate rah from AVHRR
    -movie                              generate movie
  options for rgb mapping:
    -compose                            make false-color pics
    -compose <type>                     same, use pre-defined type:
                                          nrgb, nrgb_dn, airm, dust,
                                          eview, nfog, dfog,
                                          uph_cloud, uph_dust,uph_ash,
                                          uph_night, uph_day,
                                          conv_storm, snow_fog
    -temp                               generate temperature mapping (IR only)
    -temp_bw                            same, GOES mode-A mapping (IR only)
    -hrvlum                             use HRV for lum (high-res colour)
    -inv                                invert
    -inv <chan>                         invert this channel
    -msb 9,8 or 7                       msb for translation 10 bits->8 bits
    -lmin <val>                         minval; this val mapped on 'black'
    -lmax <val>                         maxval; this val mapped on 'white'
    -gamma <val>                        gamma
    -ro <offset>                        offset for red (def. 0)
    -go <offset>                        offset for geen (def. 0)
    -bo <offset>                        offset for blue (def. 0)
    -r "[<chp>,<chn>,<kmin>,<kmax>,<g>]" complex compose on red:
                                          T-range 'kmin-kmax' mapped to 0...255
                                          using 'gamma'
    -r <channame>=<val>                 same, with val (-100...100)
    -r <channame>                       use this channel for red
    -g "[<chp>,<chn>,<kmin>,<kmax>,<g>]" complex compose on green, see red
    -g <channame>=<val>                 same, with val (-100...100
    -g <channame>                       use this channel for green
    -b "[<chp>,<chn>,<kmin>,<kmax>,<g>]" complex compose on blue, see red
    -b <channame>=<val>                 same, with val (-100...100
    -b <channame>                       use this channel for blue 
    -lut                                use def. lut 
    -lut {n}                            same, use n'th row
    -lut <lutname>                      use this lut
    -lut <lutname>{n}                   same, use n'th row
  options for geo mapping:
    -nolin                              don't linearize AVHRR
    -europe                             Europe part only (MSG)
    -area <area_nr>                     fixed areas defined in prefs tab Mapping
                                          0=full, 1/2/3/4: see prefs(def.: 1=europe)
    -area <area_name>                   same, use  name instead of number.
    -proj <projection>                  projection: plate_carree, mercator,
                                                    polar_n, polar_s,
                                                    normal (default)
  options for outputs to generate:
    -o <file>                           name output file
                                          see for defaults:
                                            Preferences, tab 'Files', subtab 'Output'
    -pro                                extract also prologue file
    -epi                                extract also epilogue file
    -overwrite                          force overwrite
    -f                                  same
    -skip_incomplete                    don't process incomplete images
    -test                               don't generate, just show what will happen.
    -log                                generate log file 'xrit2pic.log' (in dest. dir)
  options for overlays:
    -overlay_files                      .
    -anagl                              generate anaglyph
    -anagl <shift:lmin-lmax>            same, shift and lum-range
    -anagl <shift:lmin>                 same, shift and lum-start
    -anagl <shift>                      anaglyph, shift in pixels
    -ol                                 use def. overlay
    -ol <type>                          same, this type
    -ol=<lum>                           def., with lum: 0..255 (def. 255)
                                          if hex notation: define rgb, e.g. 0x800
    -ol=<lum> <type>                    same, this type
    -lonlat                             add lon/lat lines
    -lonlat=<lum>                       same, with lum; see -ol
    -mark                               add marker
    -mark=<lum>                         same, with lum; see -ol
    -cities                             add cities
    -cities=<lum>                       same, with lum; see -ol
    -timestamp                          add date/time to pic.
    -timestamp@[<x>,<y>]s<size>         same,font size <size>
    -timestamp@[<x>,<y>]                same, at position (x,y)
    -ltimestamp                         see -timestamp, show local time
    -ltimestamp@[<x>,<y>]s<size>        same,font size <size>
    -ltimestamp@[<x>,<y>]               same, at position (x,y)
    -add_text <text>                    add text
    -add_text@[<x>,<y>]s<size> <text>   same,  font size <size>
    -add_text@[<x>,<y>] <text>          same, at position (x,y)
  options for selecting (wild-cards allowed)s:
    -chan <chan>                        translate only this channel
    -segm <segm-range>                  translate only these segments
    -type <H or L or A>                 translate only this type (HRIT/LRIT/AVHRR)
    -sat <sattype>                      translate only this sat (MSG1, MET7...)
    -date <yy-mm-dd>                    translate only this date
    -time <hh:mm>                       translate only this time