Tellique supporting software: TQCHANSEL


tqchansel is a channel selector for Tellique used to receive Eumetcast data. It changes recv-channels.ini, which is used by Tellique to determine which data should be saved on hard disc.

Installation: (Windows)

The download is tqchansel_inst.exe, which is a self-installing executable. Just run it, and you get a gui guiding you through the installation process.
A desktop icon is also generated.

You need also some dll's, but these are the same as for xrit2pic. If you don't use xrit2pic you need to download and install them too. These dll's are now also in a self-installing executable.

By default everything is installed in:

C:\Program Files\xrit
but you can change this during the installation process.

First start.

Default location where recv-channels.ini is expected:
C:\Program Files\T-Systems\BusinessTV-IP. Other settings from the Preferences window: (they determine how tqchansel starts) Button names and order may be changed. Also, 'received' directory may be changed.


Short keys (also in menu):


The channels shown depend on the content of recv-channels.ini:
  1. Use a recv-channels.ini containing:
    target_directory=received    (or any other directory)
  2. Use a recv-channels.ini containing your own channel definitions, e.g.:
    [EUMETSAT Data Channel 1]
    [EUMETSAT Data Channel 2]
  3. Start with option -use_tbl. An internal table will be used for both channels and target_directories.
What happens:
  1. The selector will use a built-in table for the channels to select.
    The target_directory defined in recv-channels.ini will be used.
    Example generated file if only HRIT is selected:
    #[EUMETSAT Data Channel 1]
    [EUMETSAT Data Channel 2]
    #[EUMETSAT Data Channel 3]
    So, [*] is replaced with a full list of channels, with all channels not selected commented out.

  2. The selector will only add comment signs at lines of channels not selected. Example:
    #[EUMETSAT Data Channel 1]
    [EUMETSAT Data Channel 2]

  3. A built-in table will be used for both channel selection and target_directory definition. E.g.:
    #[EUMETSAT Data Channel 1]
    #target_directory=Ecast\Data Channel 1
    [EUMETSAT Data Channel 2]
    target_directory=Ecast\Data Channel 2
    #[EUMETSAT Data Channel 3]
    #target_directory=Ecast\Data Channel 3
Notes: Note that your original is in recv-channels.ini.sav, which remains always untouched.